Relaxation & Wellness | Bowen Island

Relaxation & Wellness

Bowen is filled with several places perfect for hiding away and relaxing. From massages to serene retreats, they are a great getaway from everyday life.

Places in Relaxation & Wellness

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“I felt very happy and relaxed. That was a real place to forget about the rest of the world.”

There is a wide range of relaxation and wellness services, from spa-like luxury to acupuncture, yoga, naturopathic and chiropractic treatments.

Also doctors, dentists, physiotherapy and even a full service veterinary practice for your beloved vacationing pet.

Artabella Skin Health & Spa
(604) 628-9909

Experience Shiatsu
(778) 881-9012

Happy Isle Cannabis Company

Nectar Yoga
(604) 947-6999

Bowen Health Centre
(604) 947-9986

Birch Wellness
(604) 338-5001

Bowen Island Wellness Centre
(604) 947-9755

Cedar Room Wellness
(604) 240-6485

Chiropractic – Dr. Tracy Leach
(778) 828-5681