In 1967, Centennial year, a small group of passionate individuals decided they wanted to do something of lasting value for the Bowen community. What better than to foster interest in the history of the island? Each one was given a district from which to gather facts and dates about the early years. The successful response of their efforts laid the groundwork for the writing of Bowen Island 1872-1972 with Irene Howard, and a goal of one day establishing a Bowen Island Museum and Archives.
Since then, their dream has come to fruition and the Bowen Island Museum & Archives has been continuously collecting material about the history of the “Happy Isle”. The Museum & Archives consists of two buildings in a park-like setting containing museum displays and an extensive museum and archival collection which exhibit the unique history of Bowen Island.
The Museum and Archives strives to make it our Mission:
- To collect and record Bowen Island’s history
- To catalogue and index collected material
- To educate future generations in their heritage
- To make historical information and material available to the Bowen community and researchers.
This summer for families we have a new interactive History Detective Kit. Follow the clues to solve the mystery. Fun for all ages (and educational, too).
Plan your visit now to view our historic photos, artifacts, local maps, biographical records, and more.
Visit our website for more information.
Museum Hours:
June – Tuesday – Saturday 10 AM – 4 PM
July & August – Daily 10 AM – 4 PM
Phone: 604-947-2655